Abel, Niels Henrik, 79n.6

Abel's formula, 79

Absolute convergence (series):

defined, 674

and uniform convergence, 704

Absolute frequency (probability):

of an event, 1019

cumulative, 1012

of a value, 1012

Absolutely integrable nonperiodic function, 512513

Absolute value (complex numbers), 613

Acceleration, 386389

Acceleration of gravity, 8

Acceleration vector, 386

Acceptable lots, 1094

Acceptable quality level (AQL), 1094


of a hypothesis, 1078

of products, 1092

Acceptance number, 1092

Acceptance sampling, 10921096, 1113

errors in, 10931094

rectification, 10941095

Adams, John Couch, 912n.2

Adams–Bashforth methods, 911914, 947

Adams–Moulton methods, 913914, 947

Adaptive integration, 835836, 843


for arbitrary events, 10211022

of complex numbers, 609, 610

of matrices and vectors, 126, 259261

of means, 10571058

for mutually exclusive events, 1021

of power series, 687

termwise, 173, 687

of variances, 10581059

vector, 309, 357359

ADI (alternating direction implicit) method, 928930

Adjacency matrix:

of a digraph, 973

of a graph, 972973

Adjacent vertices, 971, 977

Airy, Sir George Bidell, 556n.2, 918n.4

Airy equation, 556

RK method, 917919

RKN method, 919920

Airy function:

RK method, 917919

RKN method, 919920

Algebraic equations, 798

Algebraic multiplicity, 326, 878


complexity of, 978979

defined, 796

numeric analysis, 796

numeric methods as, 788

numeric stability of, 796, 842




EULER, 903


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