8.16 Method of Least Squares


When performing experiments we often tabulate data in the form of ordered pairs (x1, y1), (x2, y2), . . . , (xn, yn), with each xi distinct. Given the data, it is then often desirable to be able to extrapolate or predict y from x by finding a mathematical model, that is, a function that approximates or “fits” the data. In other words, we want a function f(x) such that

f(x1) ≈ y1,     f(x2) ≈ y2,     . . .,     f(xn) ≈ yn.

But naturally we do not want just any function but a function that fits the data as closely as possible.

In the discussion that follows we shall confine our attention to the problem of finding a linear polynomial f(x) = ax + b or straight line that “best fits” the data (x1, y1), ( ...

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