A.1. Exercises
The exercises are arranged by topic:
- Conditional logic
- Loops
- Exception handling
- Cursors
- Builtin functions
- Builtin packages
- Modules
- Module evaluation
A.1.1. Conditional Logic
Rewrite the following IF statements so that you do not use an IF statement to set the value of no_revenue. What is the difference between these two statements? How does that difference affect your answer?
IF total_sales <= 0 THEN no_revenue := TRUE; ELSE no_revenue := FALSE; END IF; IF total_sales <= 0 THEN no_revenue := TRUE; ELSIF total_sales > 0 THEN no_revenue := FALSE; END IF;
Rewrite the following IF statement to work as efficiently as possible under all conditions, given the following information: the calc_totals numeric function takes three minutes to return its value, while the overdue_balance Boolean function returns TRUE/FALSE in less than a second.
IF calc_totals (1994, company_id_in => 1005) AND NOT overdue_balance (company_id_in => 1005) THEN display_sales_figures (1005); ELSE contact_vendor; END IF;
Rewrite the following IF statement to get rid of unnecessary nested IFs:
IF salary < 10000 THEN bonus := 2000; ELSE IF salary < 20000 THEN bonus := 1500; ELSE IF salary < 40000 THEN bonus := 1000; ELSE bonus := 500; END IF; END IF; END IF;
Which procedure will never be executed in this IF statement?
IF (order_date > SYSDATE) AND order_total >= min_order_total THEN fill_order (order_id, 'HIGH PRIORITY'); ELSIF (order_date < SYSDATE) OR (order_date = SYSDATE) THEN fill_order (order_id, 'LOW PRIORITY'); ...
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