2.5. Constructing the Optimal Interface to Your Package
The interface to your package consists of the names of the public elements and, in the cases of procedures, functions, and cursors, the parameter lists and RETURN datatypes.
The interface of your package is, in the broadest sense, affected by almost every best practice in this chapter. There are several recommendations that apply more narrowly to the interface (particularly the parameter lists); those are covered in the following sections. Before delving into those particulars, however, I need to step way back and address a philosophical issue of package design that is fundamental to making your packages as useful and usable as possible: the need to see other developers as users, and the impact that has on your package design.
2.5.1. Seeing Developers as Users
The vast majority of the packages I build are utilities and components for other developers. PL/SQL developers are, in other words, my users. Now you are probably aware that developers generally don't have many good things to say about their users. "Those users" are always modifying their requirements and are incredibly lazy; they change their minds on a daily or hourly basis; and they could care less about your resource issues. Why (I hear again and again), if it's not absolutely obvious and easy to navigate through an application, "those users" complain and complain—and sometimes refuse outright to use your application. Ungrateful wretches.
Well, I have news ...
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