Asynchronously counting down

Let's take a look at the Chapter17/ file, as follows:

# Chapter17/example1.pyimport timedef count_down(name, delay):    indents = (ord(name) - ord('A')) * '\t'    n = 3    while n:        time.sleep(delay)        duration = time.perf_counter() - start        print('-' * 40)        print('%.4f \t%s%s = %i' % (duration, indents, name, n))        n -= 1start = time.perf_counter()count_down('A', 1)count_down('B', 0.8)count_down('C', 0.5)print('-' * 40)print('Done.')

The goal of this example is to illustrate the asynchronous nature of overlapping the processing and waiting time of independent tasks. To do this, we will be analyzing a countdown function (count_down()) that takes in a string and a delay time. It will then count down from three to one, ...

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