© Matt Wiley and Joshua F. Wiley 2019
Matt Wiley and Joshua F. WileyAdvanced R Statistical Programming and Data Modelshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2872-2_4

4. GLM 2

Matt Wiley1  and Joshua F. Wiley1
Columbia City, IN, USA
Generalized linear models (GLMs) also can accommodate outcomes that are not continuous and normally distributed. Indeed, one of the great advantages of GLMs is they provide a unified framework to understand regression models applied to variables assumed to come from a variety of distributions. For this chapter, we will lean heavily on one excellent R package, VGAM, which provides utilities for vector generalized linear models (VGLMs) and vector generalized additive models (VGAMs) [125]. VGLMs and VGAMs are an even more ...

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