Advanced SQL:1999

Book description

Advanced SQL:1999 - Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features is the practitioner's handbook to the standard's advanced features. It is not a re-presentation of the standard, but rather an authoritative, in-depth guide to its practical application. Like its companion, SQL:1999 - Understanding Relational Language Components, which explained the standard's basic features, this book will show you how to make your applications both effective and standard-compliant. This handy reference has a modular format so you can explore specific topics with ease. It is equally useful to those upgrading from earlier versions of SQL and those with no previous experience. Written by the standard's distinguished editor, Advanced SQL:1999 will complete your knowledge and support your skills like no other book can.

  • Focuses entirely on the issues that matter to programmers who are connecting applications to databases.
  • Details SQL:1999's object facilities, including structured user-defined types, typed tables, user-defined routines, and routine invocation.
  • Examines facilities new to SQL, including those relating to on-line analytical processing (OLAP), management of external data (SQL/MED), and Java support.
  • Covers the ongoing development of XML support.
  • Includes appendices that cover the SQL:1999 annexes, a SQL:1999 example using UDTs, status codes, and useful information on the standardization process.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Advanced SQL: 1999 Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Foreword
  5. Contents (1/2)
  6. Contents (2/2)
  7. Preface (1/2)
  8. Preface (2/2)
  9. Chapter 1. Introduction to SQL:1999
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 What Is SQL?
    3. 1.3 The Structure and Goals of This Book
    4. 1.4 The SQL Object Model (1/2)
    5. 1.4 The SQL Object Model (2/2)
    6. 1.5 Conforming to SQL:1999 Object Facilities
    7. 1.6 Relationship to Products
    8. 1.7 Chapter Summary
  10. Chapter 2. User-Defined Types
    1. 2.1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 What Are UDTs?
    3. 2.3 Using Objects: GUIs, Languages, and Major Applications
    4. 2.4 Three Kinds of UDTs
    5. 2.5 Major Characteristics of Structured UDTs
    6. 2.6 Attributes in Detail (1/2)
    7. 2.6 Attributes in Detail (2/2)
    8. 2.7 Behavior and Methods (1/3)
    9. 2.7 Behavior and Methods (2/3)
    10. 2.7 Behavior and Methods (3/3)
    11. 2.8 Defining Structured User-Defined Types (1/2)
    12. 2.8 Defining Structured User-Defined Types (2/2)
    13. 2.9 Inheritance (1/2)
    14. 2.9 Inheritance (2/2)
    15. 2.10 Creating Instances of Structured Types (1/2)
    16. 2.10 Creating Instances of Structured Types (2/2)
    17. 2.11 Using Structured Types (1/5)
    18. 2.11 Using Structured Types (2/5)
    19. 2.11 Using Structured Types (3/5)
    20. 2.11 Using Structured Types (4/5)
    21. 2.11 Using Structured Types (5/5)
    22. 2.12 Security for User-Defined Types
    23. 2.13 More Than One Way to Model Your Application
    24. 2.14 Implementation Issues
    25. 2.15 The SQL Object Model (1/2)
    26. 2.15 The SQL Object Model (2/2)
    27. 2.16 Chapter Summary
  11. Chapter 3. Typed Tables
    1. 3.1 Introduction
    2. 3.2 Typed Tables and Structured Types
    3. 3.3 Self-Referencing Columns
    4. 3.4 Table Hierarchies (1/2)
    5. 3.4 Table Hierarchies (2/2)
    6. 3.5 Defining Typed Tables
    7. 3.6 Reference Values and REF Types (1/2)
    8. 3.6 Reference Values and REF Types (2/2)
    9. 3.7 Retrieving from Typed Tables
    10. 3.8 Inserting, Modifying, and Deleting in Typed Tables
    11. 3.9 Typed Views
    12. 3.10 Typed Tables and Privileges
    13. 3.11 Chapter Summary
  12. Chapter 4. Routines and Routine Invocation
    1. 4.1 Introduction
    2. 4.2 SQL-Invoked Routines
    3. 4.3 External Routines and SQL Routines
    4. 4.4 SQL-Paths
    5. 4.5 Procedures, Functions, and Methods (1/6)
    6. 4.5 Procedures, Functions, and Methods (2/6)
    7. 4.5 Procedures, Functions, and Methods (3/6)
    8. 4.5 Procedures, Functions, and Methods (4/6)
    9. 4.5 Procedures, Functions, and Methods (5/6)
    10. 4.5 Procedures, Functions, and Methods (6/6)
    11. 4.6 Routine Invocation—in Brief (1/4)
    12. 4.6 Routine Invocation—in Brief (2/4)
    13. 4.6 Routine Invocation—in Brief (3/4)
    14. 4.6 Routine Invocation—in Brief (4/4)
    15. 4.7 Polymorphism (1/3)
    16. 4.7 Polymorphism (2/3)
    17. 4.7 Polymorphism (3/3)
    18. 4.8 Routine Invocation—The Details (1/3)
    19. 4.8 Routine Invocation—The Details (2/3)
    20. 4.8 Routine Invocation—The Details (3/3)
    21. 4.9 Security and Rights in Routine Invocation
    22. 4.10 Chapter Summary
  13. Chapter 5. Foreign Servers and Foreign-Data Wrappers
    1. 5.1 Introduction
    2. 5.2 Overview of Distributed Databases
    3. 5.3 Foreign Tables, Foreign Servers, and Foreign-Data Wrappers
    4. 5.4 Metadata Associated with Management of External Data (1/4)
    5. 5.4 Metadata Associated with Management of External Data (2/4)
    6. 5.4 Metadata Associated with Management of External Data (3/4)
    7. 5.4 Metadata Associated with Management of External Data (4/4)
    8. 5.5 The SQL/MED API (1/2)
    9. 5.5 The SQL/MED API (2/2)
    10. 5.6 Processing Queries (1/2)
    11. 5.6 Processing Queries (2/2)
    12. 5.7 An Example
    13. 5.8 Chapter Summary
  14. Chapter 6. Datalinks
    1. 6.1 Introduction
    2. 6.2 Two Sides of a Coin
    3. 6.3 Datalinkers and External Data Managers (1/2)
    4. 6.3 Datalinkers and External Data Managers (2/2)
    5. 6.4 DATALINK Data Type (1/2)
    6. 6.4 DATALINK Data Type (2/2)
    7. 6.5 The Future
    8. 6.6 Chapter Summary
  15. Chapter 7. OLAP
    1. 7.1 Introduction
    2. 7.2 Facilities for Data Analysis without OLAP (1/2)
    3. 7.2 Facilities for Data Analysis without OLAP (2/2)
    4. 7.3 What More Do We Need?
    5. 7.4 SQL Does Windows (1/5)
    6. 7.4 SQL Does Windows (2/5)
    7. 7.4 SQL Does Windows (3/5)
    8. 7.4 SQL Does Windows (4/5)
    9. 7.4 SQL Does Windows (5/5)
    10. 7.5 Coordinated Nondeterminism
    11. 7.6 Query Functions (1/4)
    12. 7.6 Query Functions (2/4)
    13. 7.6 Query Functions (3/4)
    14. 7.6 Query Functions (4/4)
    15. 7.7 Chapter Summary
  16. Chapter 8. SQL/OLB and SQL/JRT
    1. 8.1 Introduction
    2. 8.2 The SQLJ Group
    3. 8.3 The Joys of Java
    4. 8.4 Embedding SQL in Java
    5. 8.5 Java Routines (1/2)
    6. 8.5 Java Routines (2/2)
    7. 8.6 Java Types
    8. 8.7 Chapter Summary
  17. Chapter 9. SQL/XML
    1. 9.1 Introduction
    2. 9.2 The SQLX Group
    3. 9.3 Brief Overview of XML
    4. 9.4 Mapping SQL and XML Concepts (1/3)
    5. 9.4 Mapping SQL and XML Concepts (2/3)
    6. 9.4 Mapping SQL and XML Concepts (3/3)
    7. 9.5 Publishing SQL Data Using XML (1/3)
    8. 9.5 Publishing SQL Data Using XML (2/3)
    9. 9.5 Publishing SQL Data Using XML (3/3)
    10. 9.6 Chapter Summary
  18. Chapter 10. SQL Multimedia and Application Packages
    1. 10.1 Introduction
    2. 10.2 What Is SQL/MM?
    3. 10.3 Framework
    4. 10.4 Full-Text (1/2)
    5. 10.4 Full-Text (2/2)
    6. 10.5 Spatial (1/2)
    7. 10.5 Spatial (2/2)
    8. 10.6 Still Image
    9. 10.7 Data Mining (1/2)
    10. 10.7 Data Mining (2/2)
    11. 10.8 Chapter Summary
  19. Chapter 11. A Look to the Future
    1. 11.1 Introduction
    2. 11.2 Additional Parts of SQL:1999
    3. 11.3 SQL:2003 and Beyond
    4. 11.4 Chapter Summary
  20. Appendix A. An SQL:1999 Example Using UDTs
    1. A.1 Introduction
    2. A.2 The Schema Definition
    3. A.3 Application Code (1/2)
    4. A.3 Application Code (2/2)
  21. Appendix B. The SQL: 1999 Annexes
    1. B.1 Introduction
    2. B.2 Implementation-Defined and Implementation-Dependent (1/5)
    3. B.2 Implementation-Defined and Implementation-Dependent (2/5)
    4. B.2 Implementation-Defined and Implementation-Dependent (3/5)
    5. B.2 Implementation-Defined and Implementation-Dependent (4/5)
    6. B.2 Implementation-Defined and Implementation-Dependent (5/5)
    7. B.3 SQL:1999 Conformance Claims
    8. B.4 Appendix Summary
  22. Appendix C. Relevant Standards Bodies
    1. C.1 Introduction
    2. C.2 Contacting ISO
    3. C.3 Selected National Standards Bodies
  23. Appendix D. Status Codes
    1. D.1 Values of SQLSTATE
  24. Appendix E. The SQL Standardization Process
    1. E.1 Introduction
    2. E.2 The Various Standards Bodies
    3. E.3 History of the SQL Standard
    4. E.4 NIST and the FIPS
    5. E.5 Other SQL-Related Organizations
    6. E.6 Appendix Summary
  25. Index (1/7)
  26. Index (2/7)
  27. Index (3/7)
  28. Index (4/7)
  29. Index (5/7)
  30. Index (6/7)
  31. Index (7/7)
  32. About the Author

Product information

  • Title: Advanced SQL:1999
  • Author(s): Jim Melton
  • Release date: September 2002
  • Publisher(s): Morgan Kaufmann
  • ISBN: 9780080498843