Why I Wrote This Book
My favorite part of the recent American Statistical Association (ASA) statement on the ‐value [103] is how it starts: “Why do so many people still use as a threshold?” with the answer “Because that's what they were taught in college or grad school.” Many problems in understanding and the interpretation of statistical inference, including the central statistical concept of the ‐value arise from the shortage of textbooks in statistics where theoretical and practical aspects of statistics fundamentals are put together. On one hand, we have several excellent theoretical textbooks including Casella and Berger [17], Schervish [87], and Shao [94] without single real‐life data example. On the other hand, there are numerous recipe‐style statistics textbooks where theoretical considerations, assumptions, and explanations are minimized. This book fills that gap.
Statistical software has become so convenient and versatile these days that many use it without understanding the underlying principles. Unfortunately, R
packages do not explain the algorithms and mathematics behind computations, greatly contributing to a superficial understanding making statistics too easy. Many ...
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