- access point selection
- achievable accuracy
- achievable rates
- adaptive network layer
- ad hoc networks
- aggregate service value
- aggregation
- aggregation models
- alternative decompositions
- application layer
- arbitrary networks
- architecture
- attacks on simple cryptographic authentication
- auctions
- authentication
- background solutions
- background technology
- bandwidth auction
- bidding for QoS
- boundary estimation
- business models for spectrum sharing
- canonical authentication protocol
- capacity of ad hoc networks
- cashing in wireless networks
- cashing schemes for routing
- cell residing time distribution
- cellular
- cellular networks with traffic offloading
- cheating: coalition strategy
- cloud computing
- clustering algorithm
- clustering protocols
- cognitive networks
- college admissions game model for
- college admissions matching
- competition
- complex networks
- compound auctioning
- congestion and contention control
- congestion control and physical resource allocation
- congestion control and routing
- congestion game
- congestion pricing
- cooperative cognitive wireless networks
- cooperative transmission
- coupling constraints
- data funneling
- data link layer
- data plan trading
- data sponsoring
- decoupling coupled constraints
- decoupling coupled objectives
- dense mmWave networks
- device to device pairs in cellular networks
- directed diffusion
- distributed algorithms
- distributed QoS routing
- distributed stable matching
- dual decomposition of the basic NUM
- dynamic control algorithm
- dynamic network architecture
- dynamic ...
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