Chapter 7

Integrated Satellite Low Noise Block Down-converter

Pascal Philippea, Louis Praamsmab and Marcel Geurtsb,    aNXP Semiconductors 2, Esplanade Anton Philips, Campus EffiScience Colombelles BP20000, 14906 CAEN Cedex 9, France, bNXP Semiconductors, Gerstweg 2, 6534 AE NIJMEGEN, The Netherlands


Television broadcasting under digital broadcast satellite (DBS) regulations is among the most popular consumer applications operated in Ku-band, generally in the 10.7–12.75 GHz frequency range. The first section of the satellite-TV reception chain consists of the low noise block (LNB) installed in the focus of the outdoor antenna dish. The LNB is in charge of converting the microwave signal down to intermediate frequency in the 950–2150 MHz ...

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