8Statistical Producers Challenges and Help

Jacqui Jones1 and Holly O'Byrne2

1Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, ACT, Australia

2Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

8.1 Introduction

Across the world, National Statistical Institutes (NSIs), and often Central Banks, produce economic statistics. Statistics produced by NSIs are regarded as “official” statistics, a brand representing specific professional principles aligned with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. These official statistics are used for monitoring the health of domestic economies, to inform policy making, and for international comparisons.

The chapter starts with a brief historical overview of the evolution of economic statistics, including the establishment of NSIs. It then looks at the challenges and help in our statistical ecosystem. The international statistical system provides enormous help for us, including informally learning from one another. To illustrate this, Statistic Canada's integrated business statistics program is provided as a case study. This program is aimed at improving data quality, reducing response burden, modernizing data processing infrastructure, integrating economic surveys, simplifying, and standardizing processes and reducing costs.

8.2 A Brief Overview of the Evolution of Economic Statistics, and the Establishment of National Statistical Institutes

Throughout history, good quality economic data has been needed to inform decision‐making and monitor the ...

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