- Absolute return attribution method
- Accounting data
- Accuracy
- binary classification problems and
- measurement of
- AdaBoost implementation
- Adaptable I/O System (ADIOS)
- Alternative data
- Amihud's lambda
- Analytics
- Annualized Sharpe ratio
- Annualized turnover, in backtesting
- Asset allocation
- classical areas of mathematics used in
- covariance matrix in
- diversification in
- Markowitz's approach to
- Monte Carlo simulations for
- numerical example of
- practical problems in
- quasi-diagonalization in
- recursive bisection in
- risk-based. See also Risk-based asset allocation approaches
- tree clustering approaches to
- Attribution
- Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. See also Supremum augmented Dickey-Fuller (SADF) test
- Average holding period, in backtesting
- Average slippage per turnover
- Backfilled data
- Backtesters
- Backtesting
- bet sizing in
- common errors in
- combinatorial purged cross-validation (CPCV) method in
- cross-validation (CV) for
- customization of
- definition of
- “false discovery” probability and
- flawless completion as daunting task in
- general recommendations on
- machine learning asset allocation and
- purpose of
- as research tool
- strategy risk and
- strategy selection in
- synthetic data in
- uses of results of
- walk-forward (WF) method of
- Backtest overfitting
- backtesters’ evaluation of probability of
- bagging to reduce
- combinatorial purged cross-validation (CPCV) method for
- concerns about risk of
- cross-validation (CV) method and
- decision trees and proneness to
- definition of
- discretionary portfolio ...
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