Book description
Advances in Heat Transfer fills the information gap between regularly scheduled journals and university-level textbooks by providing in-depth review articles over a broader scope than in journals or texts. The articles, which serve as a broad review for experts in the field, will also be of great interest to non-specialists who need to keep up-to-date with the results of the latest research. This serial is essential reading for all mechanical, chemical and industrial engineers working in the field of heat transfer, graduate schools or industry.- Never before have so many authorities provided both retrospective and current overviews.
Table of contents
- Front Cover
- Advances in Heat Transfer
- Advances in Heat Transfer
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of Contributors
- Preface
On the Computational Modelling of Flow and Heat Transfer in In-Line Tube Banks
- Greek Symbols
- Acronyms
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Computational and Modelling Schemes
- 3. Fully Developed Flow through In-Line Tube Banks
- 4. Modelling the Complete Experimental Assembly of Aiba et al. [13]
- 5. Thermal Streak Dispersion in a Quasi-Industrial Tube Bank
- 6. Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- References
Developments in Radiation Heat Transfer: A Historical Perspective
- Greek Letters
- Subscripts
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Early Concepts of Light (Radiation)
- 3. The Nineteenth Century
- 4. Quantum Theory and Planck's Radiation Law
- 5. Radiant Heat Exchange between the Surfaces of Solids
- 6. Radiative Transfer in a Participating Medium
- 7. Interaction of Radiation with Conduction and Advection in Participating Media
- 8. Future Challenges
- Acknowledgments
- References
Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement: Mechanisms, Techniques, and Performance Evaluation
- Nomenclature
- Greek Alphabets
- Subscripts
- Abbreviations
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Verifications of FSP
3. Contributions of FSP to the Development of Convective Heat Transfer Theory
- 3.1 FSP Revealing the condition for velocity to play a role in convective heat transfer
- 3.2 FSP revealing the upper limit of exponent m in the correlation of Nu∼Rem
3.3 FSP explaining fundamental reasons of characteristics for some basic and enhanced heat transfer cases
- 3.3.1 Laminar fully developed heat transfer in tube: Nuq﹥NuT
- 3.3.2 Very high heat transfer coefficient at stagnation point of impinging jet
- 3.3.3 Role of fins
- 3.3.4 Heat transfer characteristics of flow across tube banks
- 3.3.5 Heat transfer characteristics of flow across tube bank with H-type fins
- 3.3.6 Heat transfer characteristics of flow across vortex generators
- 3.3.7 The role of nanoparticles in heat transfer enhancement
- 3.3.8 Enhancement of heat transfer in electronic devices
- 3.3.9 Enhancement of heat transfer in solar air heater
- 3.3.10 Improvement of thermal performance of pulse tube refrigerator
- 3.4 FSP guiding the developments of enhancing techniques with high efficiency (1/4)
- 3.4 FSP guiding the developments of enhancing techniques with high efficiency (2/4)
- 3.4 FSP guiding the developments of enhancing techniques with high efficiency (3/4)
- 3.4 FSP guiding the developments of enhancing techniques with high efficiency (4/4)
4. Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Structures
- 4.1 A unified log–log plot for performance evaluation (1/2)
- 4.1 A unified log–log plot for performance evaluation (2/2)
- 4.2 Some typical applications examples of NPEP (1/2)
4.2 Some typical applications examples of NPEP (2/2)
- 4.2.1 Example of enhanced technique under identical pumping power constraint
- 4.2.2 Example of enhanced technique under identical pressure drop constraint
- 4.2.3 Example of enhanced technique under identical flow rate constraint
- 4.2.4 Comparison of enhanced technique with wavy channel as a reference
- 4.2.5 Comparison of helical baffle with segmental baffle of shell-side heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exchangers
- 4.3 A comprehensive comparison study on techniques adopted in compact heat exchangers by the NPEP
- 5. Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
Recent Analytical and Numerical Studies on Phase-Change Heat Transfer
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Surface Characteristics
- 3. Onset of Bubble Nucleation
- 4. Thermodynamic Analyses for Onset of Dropwise Condensation
- 5. Level-Set and VOF Simulations of Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer
- 6. Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Boiling Heat Transfer
- 7. Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Condensation Heat Transfer
- 8. CHF Models in Pool Boiling
- 9. Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Author Index
- Subject Index (1/2)
- Subject Index (2/2)
Product information
- Title: Advances in Heat Transfer
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2014
- Publisher(s): Academic Press
- ISBN: 9780128003312
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