
ABC approximate Bayesian computation
ALP accumulated loss policy
a.s. almost surely
AMA advanced measurement approach
APT arbitrage pricing theory
BCRLB Bayesian Cramer–Rao lower bound
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BIS Bank for International Settlements
CV co-variation
CD co-difference
CRLB Cramer–Rao lower bound
CLP combined loss policy
CVaR conditional value at risk
DFT discrete Fourier transform
EVT extreme value theory
EVI extreme value index
ES expected shortfall
FFT fast Fourier transform
GLM generalized linear models
GAM generalized additive models
GLMM generalized linear mixed models
GAMM generalized additive mixed models
GAMLSS generalized additive models for location scale and shape
HMCR higher moment coherent risk measure
HILP haircut individual loss policy
ILPU individual loss policy uncapped
ILPC individual loss policy capped
i.i.d. independent and identically distributed
LDA loss distribution approach
MCMC Markov chain Monte Carlo
MC Monte Carlo
MLE maximum likelihood estimator
MPT modern portfolio theory
OpRisk operational risk
PMCMC particle Markov chain Monte Carlo
r.v. random variable
SMC sequential Monte Carlo
SRM spectral risk measure
SLA Single Loss Approximation
s.t. such that
TCE tail conditional expectation
TTCE tempered tail conditional expectation
VaR value at risk
Vco variational coefficient
w.r.t. with respect to

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