2 A Prototype of a Smart Phone-Controlled Lawn Mower Using Android App

Rajeshwari D1 and T Ananthapadmanabha2

1Department of Information Science and Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

2Mysuru University School of Engineering, Manasagangotri Campus, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

DOI: 10.1201/9781003282990-2


  1. 2.1 Introduction
  2. 2.2 Tools and Technology Overview
  3. 2.3 System Architecture
  4. 2.3.1 Arduino Uno Board
  5. Arduino programming
  6. 2.3.2 DC (Direct Current) Motor
  7. Motors' specifications
  8. Features
  9. 2.3.3 Module of Bluetooth HC-05
  10. HC-05's technical specifications
  11. Uart
  12. Highlights from the SG-90
  13. 2.4 Implementation of the System
  14. 2.4.1 Lawn_Main_Activity
  15. 2.4.2 Login ...

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