
It has been fun putting my thoughts on paper for this book. As I have said to a few folks who inquired about my motivation for this project, it wasn’t to “make money” or produce a bestseller. Rather, my sincere hope is that the book can be helpful in some small way to the targeted audience. If only a handful of individuals derive benefit from the advice herein, my investment of time will have been well worth it!

If you found the book to be helpful, do me a favor and share some of the advice with a friend, fellow student, or colleague.

By way of summarizing the key concepts covered throughout the book—and in hopes of provoking thought and hopefully action by the reader—I have listed below 50 questions that I hope will serve as a good synopsis of the material covered throughout the book.

Chapter 1: Why Accounting Is a Great Profession

  • Would you like to position yourself for a variety of financially rewarding career opportunities?
  • Is a career that provides a high degree of flexibility an important priority for you?
  • Do you like to be involved in making decisions?

Chapter 2: Is Becoming a CPA the Right Path for You?

  • Have you evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing 150 credit hours?
  • Do you understand credentialing alternatives, and have you considered your preferences?
  • Do you plan to begin your career as an auditor working in public accounting?

Chapter 3: How Accounting Majors Can Optimize the College Experience

  • Are you taking advantage of all ...

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