Aerospike: Up and Running

Book description

If you're a developer looking to build a distributed, resilient, scalable, high-performance application, you may be evaluating distributed SQL and NoSQL solutions. Perhaps you're considering the Aerospike database.

This practical book shows developers, architects, and engineers how to get the highly scalable and extremely low-latency Aerospike database up and running. You will learn how to power your globally distributed applications and take advantage of Aerospike's hybrid memory architecture with the real-time performance of in-memory plus dependable persistence. After reading this book, you'll be able to build applications that can process up to tens of millions of transactions per second for millions of concurrent users on any scale of data.

This practical guide provides:

  • Step-by-step instructions on installing and connecting to Aerospike
  • A clear explanation of the programming models available
  • All the advice you need to develop your Aerospike application
  • Coverage of issues such as administration, connectors, consistency, and security
  • Code examples and tutorials to get you up and running quickly
  • And more

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Table of contents

  1. Brief Table of Contents (Not Yet Final)
  2. 1. Developing Your First Aerospike Application
    1. Installing Aerospike
      1. Installing Aerospike on a Mac
      2. Installing Aerospike on Windows
      3. Installing Aerospike on Linux
    2. Aerospike Terminology
      1. Simple First Application
      2. Using Aerospike Quick Look
      3. Policies
    3. Summary
  3. 2. Basic Operations
    1. CRUD Operations
      1. Data Types
      2. Data Lifecycle
      3. Create
      4. Read
      5. Update
      6. Delete
      7. Lightweight Operations
      8. Batch
    2. Wrapping Up
  4. 3. Advanced Operations
    1. The Operate() command
    2. Simplifying the program
    3. The Operation class
    4. Return value of Operate()
    5. Order of Operations
    6. ListOperation and MapOperation:
    7. Lists
    8. Maps
    9. Operations
      1. ListOperations and MapOperations Example
    10. Inverted Flag
    11. Contexts
    12. Expressions
    13. Filter Expressions
    14. Trilean Logic
    15. Read Expressions
    16. Batch Operations
    17. Batch Writes
    18. Arbitrary Batch Operations
    19. Secondary Indexes
    20. Using the Secondary Index
    21. Multiple Predicate Queries
  5. 4. Architecture
    1. Scale Out
    2. Shared Nothing Database Cluster
    3. Data Distribution
    4. Cluster Self-Management
    5. Cluster view
    6. Cluster view changes
    7. Intelligent clients
    8. Cluster node handling
    9. Scale Up
    10. Hybrid Memory Architecture 
    11. Multi-Core Processors
    12. Memory Fragmentation
    13. Data Structure Design
    14. Scheduling and Prioritization
    15. Parallelism
    16. Distributed Transaction Consistency
    17. Strong Consistency in Transactions
    18. Roster 
    19. Split-Brain Conditions 
    20. Writes
    21. Rack Awareness
    22. Asynchronous active-active replication
    23. Conclusion
  6. 5. Data Modeling
    1. Classical Data Modeling
    2. Aerospike Data Modeling
      1. Secondary Indexes
      2. Aggregating Sub-Objects into One Record
      3. Aggregating Sub-Objects into Multiple Records
      4. Associating Objects
      5. Other Common Data Modeling Problems
      6. Conclusion
  7. 6. Administration, Tools, and Configuration
    1. Configuration
      1. Anatomy of a config file
      2. Dynamic Configuration
    2. Tools
      1. Asinfo
      2. Asadm
      3. Aerospike Quick Look
      4. Asbackup and Asrestore
      5. Asloglatency , asbench
    3. Security
    4. Recap
  8. 7. Monitoring and Best Practices
    1. Monitoring
      1. Application metrics
      2. Aerospike database metrics
      3. Prometheus
    2. Aerospike exporter
      1. Aerospike Exporter Service Install
      2. Aerospike Exporter container
    3. Metric Reference
    4. Alert Rules & Dashboards
      1. Alert Rules
      2. Dashboards
    5. Software Updates
      1. Preparation
      2. Upgrade
      3. Quiesce
    6. Troubleshooting
    7. Chapter 8 final notes
  9. 8. Practical Examples of Aerospike
    1. User Profile Store
      1. Data Model
    2. Customer 360
      1. Data Model
    3. Fraud Detection
      1. Data Model
    4. Summary
  10. About the Authors

Product information

  • Title: Aerospike: Up and Running
  • Author(s): Srini V. Srinivasan, Tim Faulkes, Albert Autin, Paige Roberts
  • Release date: October 2024
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781098155605