Chapter 17
The Merchant Side of Affiliate Marketing
Determining whether you’re ready to be a merchant
Selecting the technology to use as a merchant
Finding, managing, and motivating your affiliates
Through many of the prior chapters, we focus on being an affiliate and doing affiliate marketing — from making your first commission, to making a part-time income, to making a full-time income, to being a rich affiliate!
But the real moolah is easily in getting to the next level in the world of affiliate marketing — becoming a merchant. A merchant with an effective affiliate program, that is. Hopefully as you climb the rungs of affiliate success, you reach your highest levels of success as a merchant with an army of affiliates helping you build greater levels of financial success.
In this chapter, we help you figure out whether you’re ready to become a merchant, explain the different technology you can use to run your program, and discuss ways to find and work with affiliates.
Knowing Whether You’re Ready to Be a Merchant
Having a large group of folks referring prospects and clients to you 24/7 is appealing to any sane merchant, but the first issue you must address ...
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