
Note: BT refers to Bonus Tutorial.

Example: BT8B = Bonus Tutorial from Tutorial 8.


2D, faking 3D with, 260261

2D/3D interactions, 175, 181, 195, BT8B

3:2 pulldown

Magnification issue, 90

process of, 87

removing, 8688

rendering with, 104

3D cameras. See cameras

3D layers. See also layers

adding and positioning, 207209

Anchor Points for, 194, BT8B

auto-orienting, to camera, 206

axis arrows of, 152, 172, 174, 206

Collapse Transformations, 193194, 202, BT8B, BT11B

combining with 2D layers, 175, 181, 195, BT8B

intersections between, 190

Material Options, 144145

moving, 174175

Orientation/Rotation properties, 188189, 257, BT8B

precomposing, 192194, BT8B

render order of, 175, 209

Rotation versus Orientation, 188189, 212

shadows ...

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