4Ingredients That Are Needed

As explained in the preface, the purpose of this book is not to serve as a textbook. We therefore will not provide an exhaustive explanation of all of Agile 2's principles.

Instead, now that we have explained why Agile 2 is needed and laid out some of the problems with how Agile is defined, interpreted, and practiced, we can start to assemble some core ideas for what Agile should look like—in other words, the insights that underly Agile 2.

We also want to stress that there were some good ideas in what we might call “traditional Agile.” We do not want to lose those. But as explained, many of those ideas have already been lost through extreme—and we believe incorrect—interpretations of the Agile Manifesto or through corruption of the ideas by agendas and special interests within the Agile community.

Elements to Keep or Adjust

Most people do not know that the portion of the Agile Manifesto that is copyrighted is the “Values” section. The “Principles” section, which is on a second page, is not. We have been told by multiple sources that the values were created during the meeting at Snowbird. The principles were created through email discussions that occurred during the following weeks, and it is not clear that all of the 17 Snowbird participants actually weighed in on those principles.

Even so, most people in the Agile community treat the principles and values as having equal authority, and so we will too.

In addition to being defined by the Agile ...

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