© Alexandre Bergel 2022
A. BergelAgile Visualization with Pharohttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7161-2_11

11. Interactions

Alexandre Bergel1  
Santiago, Chile

An interactive visualization allows additional information to be presented when a user triggers actions through the mouse or keyboard. Roassal proposes a number of pluggable and extensible interactions, presented in this chapter.

All the code provided in this chapter is available at https://github.com/bergel/AgileVisualizationAPressCode/blob/main/02-07-Interactions.txt.

Useful Interactions

So far, you have used three main interactions: RSPopup, RSDraggable, and RSCanvasController. Consider the following example, which involves these three interactions:
canvas := RSCanvas new.
shapes := RSCircle ...

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