APPENDIX: Analytics Champion Framework: The Fundamental Qualifications, Skills, and Project Steps for the Analytics Champion
The Analytics Champion (AC) framework is written for the person assigned the critical responsibility of managing and implementing an AI-enabled analytics pilot and proof of concept (POC) projects and scaling analytics throughout the organization. This framework supplements the Roadmap to implement the culture of data-driven decisions for improved business performance as described in Chapter 5 and provides more specific explanations and discussion in accordance with the implementation steps described in Chapter 7.
Additionally, the framework includes sections on defining analytics champion qualifications, AC skillsets, and starting an analytics project. The framework serves several important purposes: (i) it describes the AC's scope of responsibilities, (ii) it aids in defining the position and within the organization, and (iii) it sets a pathway to sustain analytics and scale it to other organizational departments or functions. This framework has several objectives:
- Describes the requisite qualities and capabilities of an effective AC
- Offers insight for the executive to assign the AC
- Provides important fundamentals to launch AI-enabled projects
The AC and the sponsoring executive are joined at the hip to implement the Analytics Culture and must adhere to the most basic of all ground rules: the executive's unwavering support for the AC; ...
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