Part I. The AI for People and Business Framework

Artificial intelligence (AI) is exciting, powerful, and game changing. The mainstream hype machine has generated gail-force winds behind its sail, to the point that AI is on virtually everyone’s radar and is part of the vernacular and yet is barely understood by the majority of people.

Do you ask yourself any of the following questions?

  • What is AI, and what value can it bring to my business? What value can it bring to my customers, users, or even me?

  • How do I develop a vision and strategy around AI and my data in general?

  • How do I determine whether I’m ready to pursue AI initiatives and what should be my key considerations?

  • How do I identify specific opportunities, use cases, and applications of AI for my business?

  • How can I apply AI to solve real-world problems that are aligned to my goals?

  • How do I measure the success of AI initiatives?

  • How is AI different from machine learning, data science, neural networks, and deep learning?

  • What data do I need to power AI applications?

  • How do I take advantage of AI in an ethical, unbiased, and regulatory compliant way?

  • Is there a framework that I can use to get the most value from AI, while mitigating risk and ensuring the best chance of success?

This book was written for you if you answered yes to any of these questions. Also, a hint on the last question—the answer is yes, and it’s called the AI for People and Business (AIPB) Framework, which is what this book is about! ...

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