About the Author
Kenneth C. Schifftner has more than 40 years of experience in the area of air pol-
lution control. Starting as a draftsman in 1966, he has been involved with more than
1,000 successful gas cleaning projects. He holds a bachelor of science degree in
mechanical engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
An author of more than 50 technical articles on gas cleaning technology,
Schifftner was co-author with Howard Hesketh of the technical book Wet Scrubbers
(Technomic Publishers, CRC Press), which reached its second printing, and pro-
vided the chapter on particulate removal in the Air Pollution Engineering Manual
published by Van Nostrand Reinhold. Schifftner has been an instructor for numer-
ous courses sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provided
academic and corporate technical training seminars, served as an expert witness
regarding air pollution control technology, and functioned as a consultant to small
and large rms interested in solving air pollution problems.
Schifftner has also received four U.S. and foreign patents to date on novel mass
transfer devices, which are used worldwide.
His experience includes the application of gas cleaning technology to hazardous
and medical waste incinerators, boilers, pulp bleach plants, lime kilns, dissolving
tank vents, fume incinerators, rotary dryers, tank vents, blenders/mixers, plating
operations, metals cleaning, semiconductor manufacturing processes, and other sys-
tems. He has also applied dry ltration technology to woodwaste-red boilers. He
has designed odor control systems using a wide variety of oxidants including hydro-
gen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, ozone, chlorine dioxide, and potassium perman-
ganate. He has researched and solved entrainment and visible plume problems in
both conventional and novel gas cleaning systems. He is a specialist in the collection
of ne particles that can affect public health.
Schifftner is a former chairman of the Environmental Control Division of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is an active member of
ASME, the Semiconductor Safety Association, and Technical Association for the
Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI).
A resident of Mahwah, New Jersey, Schifftner is currently the sales manager for
Bionomic Industries, Inc., which is based in Mahwah, New Jersey.

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