3.6. The splat command
The Simple Performance Lock Analysis Tool (splat) is a software tool that generates reports on the use of synchronization locks. These include the simple and complex locks provided by the AIX kernel as well as user-level mutexes, read/write locks, and condition variables provided by the PThread library. splat is not currently equipped to analyze the behavior of the VMM- and PMAP- locks used in the AIX kernel.
The splat command resides in /usr/bin and is part of the bos.perf.tools fileset, which is installable from the AIX base installation media.
3.6.1. splat syntax
The syntax for the splat command is:
splat -i file [-n file] [-o file] [-d [ bfta ] ] [-l address] [-c class] [-s [ acelmsS ] ] [-C cpus] [-S count] [-t start] ...
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