4.4. CPU summary
This section presents CPU related performance commands which help us summarize the data collected.
4.4.1. Other useful commands for CPU monitoring
Here are some other useful more commands
The alstat and emstat commands
The alstat command displays alignment exception statistics. The emstat command displays emulation exception statistics. /usr/bin/emstat is linked from /usr/bin/alstat, so both command has same binary code.
The emstat and alstat commands reside in /usr/bin and are part of the bos.perf.tools fileset, which is installable from the AIX base installation media.
alstat [ -e | -v ] [ Interval ] [ Count ]
emstat [ -a | -v ] [ Interval ] [ Count ]
Useful combinations
alstat -e [interval] [count]
alstat -v [interval] ...
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