Appendix D. Ajax Risk References

Ajax technology can bring a lot to a web site if Ajax is implemented properly and used correctly. This does not mean, however, that even when you use it in a completely justifiable manner it does not contain risks. All new technologies contain risks. More risks are uncovered as more people use the technology and all the glitches and gotchas are flushed out. Many of Ajax’s problems are out of the developer’s hands. Browsers implement the foundation for Ajax, and developers are at the mercy of browser creators and maintainers when new risks are discovered.

This appendix covers the most common risks associated with using Ajax with your web applications, and directs you to places where you can find solutions to the problems these risks present.

With this knowledge, you will be able to decide whether and when Ajax is right for you. Ajax brought web browser technology to the point that it can be used to create desktop-like applications, but Ajax is not without its little bugs. You should feel comfortable implementing a web application that can avoid these risks, or provide alternatives if necessary.


When the World Wide Web was created and browsers were made to display the content available, life was simple. The browser was meant to interpret the markup sent from the server, and then to display the results to the user. Most of the content was text, and then slowly media began to be used as well. Even so, a web programmer at the time had little ...

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