Chapter 7

Plugging In Polynomials

In This Chapter

arrow Locating the intercepts in polynomials

arrow Figuring out where a polynomial function changes signs

arrow Assembling all the information you need to graph a polynomial curve

arrow Looking for roots with clues from Descartes — and others

arrow Doing division synthetically and taking other shortcuts

arrow Building up polynomials from their roots

A polynomial function is a well-mannered function with nice, predictable habits. The graph of a polynomial function is always a smooth curve with no abrupt changes in direction or shape. The equation of a polynomial function has only whole-number exponents on the variables.

remember.eps A polynomial function has the form f(x) = anxn + an–1xn–1 + an–2xn–2+ · · · + a1x1 + a0x0, where n is a whole number and any ani is a real number. The ...

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