Chapter 12
Managing Big Data
Realizing why big data is a driving force of our times
Becoming familiar with Moore’s Law and its implications
Understanding big data and its 4 Vs
Discovering how to deal with infinite streaming data
Leveraging sampling, hashing, and sketches for stream data
More than a buzzword used by vendors to propose innovative ways to store data and analyze it, big data is a reality and a driving force of our times. You may have heard it mentioned in many specialized scientific and business publications and even wondered what big data really means. From a technical point of view, big data refers to large and complex amounts of computer data, so large (as the name implies) and intricate that the data cannot be dealt with by making more storage available on your computers or by making new computers more powerful and faster in their computations. Big data implies a revolution in the way you store and deal with data.
However, this copious and sophisticated ...
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