A History of Data Access

Microsoft has had a series of data-access technologies that have evolved over the past several years. They include:

  • DAO (data access objects)

  • RDO (relational data objects)

  • ADO (ActiveX data objects)

  • ADO.NET (version of ADO for the .NET platform)

DAO was optimized for Jet (Microsoft Access) data. In response to DAO's limitations in dealing with client/server data, Microsoft introduced RDO. RDO was good at dealing with Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data but was not good at dealing with JET data or nonrelational data. Microsoft introduced ADO to address the limitations of both DAO and RDO. ADO can handle relational and nonrelational data stores. It has a much simpler object model than either DAO or RDO. It is easier to ...

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