Chapter 21. HOW DID I DO?

It occurs to me that you might be curious about what I planned on doing—and what I actually did—to market All You Need Is A Good Idea! After all, I have written and you have just read a book that attempts to teach you how to create marketing ideas that actually get results. What good ideas did I come up with? What ordinary or unusual, expected or unexpected marketing ideas did I utilize to make my book stand out from the 50,000 printed each year? Most important, did any of them work?

So I am going to share with you the marketing ideas I plan on using; some will work better than others, some will not pan out at all. And there will be some I have not even thought of yet that I will create and use in the future. What I mean by that—hold on tight—is that I am writing this book now, but you will be reading it in the future, which will be your present. Though this sounds a lot like an episode of The Twilight Zone, think of it this way: After I submit my manuscript for this book to my publisher, it will take many months before it is printed and available to you. During that time the marketing ideas I plan on using to get you to purchase this book will already have been attempted, successfully or not. If All You Need Is A Good Idea! is successful, then my marketing efforts have paid off and you have learned about this book from my interviews on television and radio, my blog, articles in your local newspapers, or mentions in national and business-oriented magazines. ...

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