
Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to footnotes.


Abrams, J. J. 172

Accused, The 255256

Ace in the Hole (The Big Carnival) 234

act curtain scene 17, 17n


action lines 5

vs. characters 274287 see also characters

dramatic action 104105, 301305

vs. meaning 399400

rising action 6

subtext–action–character relationship 6, 251264 see also subtext–action–character relationship

action-adventure approach 171

action agency 307308

active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective) characters

antagonists 226227

case studies 221227

catalyst characters 222223

definitions 216217

description 215217, 227 see also characters

medium characters 225226

narrative drive and energy 219220 see also narratives

observer characters 223225

outsider ...

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