56 An Introduction to Security in a CSM 1.3 for AIX 5L Environment
5.1 Remote command execution software
CSM provides a tool for distributed command execution from the management
server to the nodes. This tool is called
distributed shell (dsh)
The distributed shell in the CSM cluster is used to issue remote commands in a
distributed manner, from the management server to the cluster nodes, in order to
ease system administration work. This tool is not used for internal cluster
communication between the management server and the nodes.
For internal communication, such as resource control and monitoring, the
Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) layer is used. See Figure 5-1 on
page 57.
Remote command execution is needed for administrative actions that have to be
executed on some or all nodes in a CSM cluster.
You can also configure a cluster to support node-to-node remote commands, but
this is not required. The
dsh command is contained in the csm.dsh fileset, which
is installed with AIX 5L Version 5.2. The CSM software provides tools for setting
up remote command execution subsystem from the management server to the
By default,
dsh relies on the “classic” rsh command for remote execution.
rsh provides only a minimum security level. The authorization is
based on the .rhosts file stored in user’s home directory. The data exchanged
between the management server and the nodes is not encrypted.
You can set up the CSM management server to use another remote command
execution software instead of
rsh in order to improve the security inside the CSM
The software you choose to replace
rsh must support the dsh command
arguments. This means that the command you use instead
rsh must support the
parameters and options that the
rsh command allows.
Our recommendation is to use the OpenSSH packet instead of the r commands.
Therefore, the
dsh command uses the ssh command instead of rsh. The
overview of communication between the management server and the node is
shown in Figure 5-1 on page 57.