401(k) tax incentives, US 145

absolute return funds see hedge funds

accounting 467, 724, 88, 1246, 138

see also administration

timescales 88, 1246


capital/income accounts 1246, 138

contents 138

distribution accounts 124, 126, 138

statistics 16

accumulation shares 34

acquired assets 69

active fund-management style 101

administration 2, 4, 268, 55, 60, 634, 724, 808, 8991, 11942

communications 76, 878, 89, 112, 120, 13742

concepts 724, 8991, 11942, 149

dealing 1201, 1301

income allocations 1367

meetings 845, 120, 1402

portfolios 1207

pricing 12731

procedures 723

purchases 1213, 147

registers 724, 94, 120, 1213, 1335

roles 724, 901, 11942

sales 1213

valuations 1278

advertisements 71, 89, 111, 11418

see also marketing

costs 11516

cross-border/international marketing 111

Internet 89, 112, 11418

off-the-page advertisements 71, 89

standards 11617

advisory firms see intermediaries

Africa 5, 9, 20, 24, 601, 162

AGMs see Annual General Meetings

amalgamations 956, 1401

AMBA see Asset Management Business Act 2003

American funds 84, 102

AMF, France 13, 52, 161

AMFI see Association of Mutual Funds in India

amortisation 834

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) 1401

annual management charges 22, 834, 934

annual reports 13940

application forms, mutual funds 36, 1312

Argentina 23

‘arm's length’ terms 75

Asia 12, 19, 24, 612

see also individual countries

asset allocation model, concepts 1001

asset classes 6, 312, 667, 1006

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