The Solutions section of the book. It has the following heading. Answers: Solutions and Hints for Selected Exercises.

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Chapter 1

Section 1.1

  1. 5. Suppose xST. Then xS and xT, which means xS and xT, that is xST¯. So STST¯. Conversely, if xST¯, then xS and xT, which means xST, that is ST¯ST. Therefore ST=ST¯.
  2. 6. For Equation (1.2), suppose xS1S2¯. Then xS1S2, which means that x cannot be in S1 or in S2, that is xS1S2. So S1S2¯S1¯S2¯. Conversely, if xS1¯S2¯, then x is not in S1 and x is not in S2, that is, xS1¯S2¯. So S1¯S2¯S1S2¯. Therefore S1S2¯=S1¯S2¯.
  3. 12.
    1. (a) reflexivity: Since |S1| = |S1|, so reflexivity holds.

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