
AAPOR. See The American Association of Public Opinion Researchers

Accessible clusters, 26

ACS. See American Community Survey

Address-based sampling, 10, 30, 82

Al Baghal, Terek, 93

Alreck, Pamela, 68, 69, 76

The American Association of Public Opinion Researchers (AAPOR), 17, 73

American Community Survey (ACS), 9596

Anderson, Barbara, 57

Apples-to-apples contrasts, 76

Attitude–behavior question, 5

Audio recordings of telephone interview, 91

Automobiles, 10

Babbie, Earl, 3940

Back-end time and cost, 76

Balanced allocation, 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 74

Between-stratum analysis, 25

Bias, 37

Bickart, Barbara, 50

Biemer, Paul, 37

Big Data, 31

Box-Steffensmei, Janet, 52

Brace, Ian, 72

Bradburn, Norman, 8

BRFSS. ...

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