Chapter 16. Adding and Creating PSpice Models

Chapter Outline

16.1. Capture Properties for a PSpice Part195
16.2. PSpice Model Definition196
16.3. Subcircuits199
16.4. Model Editor201
16.4.1. Copying an Existing PSpice Model202
16.4.2. Model Import Wizard202
16.4.3. Downloading Models from a Vendor Website206
16.4.4. Encryption207
16.5. Exercises208
Exercise 1208
Exercise 2211
Exercise 3214
Exercise 4215
Exercise 5216
PSpice models can be created and edited in the PSpice Model Editor, which can be started in standalone mode from the Start menu, PSpice > Simulation Accessories > Model Editor, or by highlighting a PSpice part in the schematic in Capture, rmb > Edit PSpice Model. When you edit a PSpice part from Capture, a copy of the PSpice model is created ...

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