It has long been predicted that there would soon be little need for analog circuitry because the world increasingly relies on digital signals, yet the need for good analog circuit design remains strong. Many applications have indeed replaced analog circuitry with their digital counterparts (such as digital audio). However, when digitizing physical signals, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters are always needed, together with their associated anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters. In addition, new applications continue to appear; their requirements demand the use of high-performance analog front ends, such as digital communication over wireline and wireless channels and microsensor interfaces. Also, as integrated circuits integrate more functionality, it is much more likely that at least some portion of a modern integrated circuit will include analog circuitry to interface to the real world. Moreover, the continued scaling of digital circuits has led to the emergence of new problems that require analog solutions, such as on-chip power management and the generation of stable clock signals. Although it may constitute only a small portion of total chip area, analog circuitry is often the limiting factor on overall system performance and the most difficult part of the IC to design. As a result, a strong industrial need for analog circuit designers continues. The purpose of this book is to help develop excellent analog circuit designers by presenting a concise ...
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