Appendix L


A/D analog-to-digital (converter)
AC alternating current
ADC analog-to-digital converter
AGC automatic gain control
AM amplitude modulation
AOC automatic offset control (or cancellation)
APD avalanche photodetector (or photodiode)
APON ATM passive optical network
ARQ automatic repeat request
ASD amplitude spectral density
ASE amplified spontaneous emission
ASK amplitude-shift keying
ATC automatic (or adaptive) threshold control
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
AWG arrayed waveguide grating
BCH Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (code)
BER bit-error rate
BERT bit-error rate test set
BGA ball grid array
BJT bipolar junction transistor
BPON broadband passive optical network
BPSK binary phase-shift keying
BUJ bounded uncorrelated jitter
BW bandwidth
CATV community-antenna television
CDR clock and data recovery
CID consecutive identical digits
CML current-mode logic
CMOS complementary MOS
CMRR common-mode rejection ratio
CMU clock multiplication unit
CNR carrier-to-noise ratio
CO central office
CPM cross-phase modulation
CRZ chirped return-to-zero (modulation)
CS-RZ carrier-suppressed return-to-zero (modulation)
CSO composite second-order (distortion)
CTB composite triple-beat (distortion)
CW continuous wave
D/A digital-to-analog (converter)
DA distributed amplifier
DAC digital-to-analog converter
DBPSK differential binary phase-shift keying
DC direct current

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