Chapter 5Big Data Platforms and Operating Tools
Learning objectives
- Recognize which big data software tools are available for use.
- Identify the open-source software known as Hadoop.
- Recall the role of map reduce and R software.
This chapter identifies a variety of big data platforms as well as the operating tools that can be used on those platforms. Chief among the tools is the operating system known as Hadoop. Hadoop is an opensource framework that many organizations have chosen to support their big data efforts. This chapter will concentrate on information technology terms that are necessary for accountants to have foundational understanding in big data applications.
Big data capabilities
The first step in all big data is understanding what the organization hopes to achieve. There should be two discussions that occur.
First, the organization should conduct a strategic planning retreat. The main question that should be asked is: What is the long-term vision for the company as it relates to big data?
Next, the organization should conduct an information planning retreat. This discussion should focus on how the organization can achieve the strategy for the first step with existing resources (hardware, software, staff, and future budget).
Both of these conversations are necessary and should take place in two different planning meetings. One way to approach the needs of the organization is by examining some of the capabilities of big data and then determining ...
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