Chapter 4

An Android Social Media App

In This Chapter

check1 Posting on Twitter with Android code

check1 Tweeting with your app on a user’s behalf

Areader from Vancouver (in British Columbia, Canada) writes:

“Hello, Barry. I just thought I would ask that you include the area that seems to get attention from app developers: programs connecting with social sites. I look forward to reading the new book! Best regards, David.”

Well, David, you’ve inspired me to create a Twitter app. This chapter’s example does two things: It posts a new tweet, and it gets a Twitter user’s timeline. The app can perform many more Twitter tasks — for example, search for tweets, look for users, view trends, check friends and followers, gather suggestions, and do lots of other things that Twitter users want done. For simplicity, though, I have the app perform only two tasks: tweet and display a timeline.

I can summarize the essence of this chapter’s Twitter code in two short statements. To post a tweet, the app executes

twitter.updateStatus("This is my tweet.");


And, to display a user’s timeline, the app executes

List<twitter4j.Status> statuses =



Of course, these two statements only serve as a summary, and a summary is never the same as the material it summarizes. Imagine ...

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