Chapter 2

Developing for Android Wear


check Running Android apps on wearables

check Creating a basic wearable app

check Creating a watch face app

Android wearables commonly come in a single form: the watch. However, that’s the end of the commonality. The first section of this chapter gives you a brief overview of just a few ways in which wearables are used today. The diversity will amaze you!

Many of this book's concepts work on all kinds of devices. But when a person describes a particular feature, it’s easy to think “smartphone or tablet.” In this chapter, you veer briefly from that path and deal exclusively with wristwatches (known formally as Android Wear devices, or wearables for short). The apps won’t make you the next talk of the town with regard to wearables, but you’ll gain insights into the commonality of and differences among wearable app development.

Seeing Where Wearables Are Used

It’s usually helpful to have an idea of just where your apps might end up. Seeing what other people have dreamed up can give you ideas for your own amazing app. You may find yourself asking why a wearable can’t seem to do something, and then wind up creating an app to do it. The following ...

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