© Sheran Gunasekera 2020
S. GunasekeraAndroid Apps Securityhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-1682-8_6

6. The Tool Bag

Sheran Gunasekera1 
Singapore, Singapore

The techniques in this book are heavily reliant on external tools. This book does not teach you how to develop those tools but attempts to enlighten you on how you can make use of these tools to both build and test your apps. That’s why I have dramatically decided to call this chapter “The Tool Bag.” I will also spend a little time telling you about my setup that I use when reverse engineering and debugging Android apps. Your mileage will considerably vary, and perhaps you do not want to or are unable to set up your environment this way. This is fine. You can still get the job done, so ...

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