Chapter 15

Ten More Places to Distribute Your Game

In This Chapter

arrow Discovering other app markets

arrow Distributing your game yourself through your website

arrow Getting creative with alternative distribution methods

The most common and popular way of getting your game seen and downloaded is through Google Play, the official Android market administrated by Google. But it’s definitely not the only place to distribute your game. Because of Android’s relatively open nature, many third-party app stores have popped up, eager to give Google competition in the app market business.

People will tend to default to whatever comes pre-installed on their devices, so app markets that are bundled with the device have an enormous advantage over others that need to be installed. That doesn’t mean they’re not viable alternatives to be explored.

This chapter takes a look at some of these third-party app markets, as well as a couple of other distribution channels that you may not have considered. Remember that each market may have its own unique resource requirements (for example, some markets may require five screen shots of your game, while some may require none). There is some overhead in maintaining your game ...

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