... get height of the game screen. Line 148, indented once. public i n t get Screen Height left parenthesis right parenthesis left brace. Line 149, indented twice. return screen Height semicolon. Line 150, indented once. right brace. Line 151. blank. Line 152, indented once. forward slash forward slash plays a sound with the given sound I d in sound Map. Line 153, indented once. public void play Sound left parenthesis i n t sound I d right parenthesis left brace. Line 154, indented twice. sound Pool period play left parenthesis sound Map period get left parenthesis sound I d right parenthesis comma 1 comma 1 comma 1 comma 0 comma 1f right parenthesis semicolon. This line is highlighted. Line 155, indented once. right brace. Line 156. blank.
142 // get ...
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