... indented 3 times. double quote day double quote colon 79.92 comma. Line 40, indented 3 times. double quote min double quote colon 66.72 comma. Line 41, indented 3 times. double quote max double quote colon 83.1 comma. Line 42, indented 3 times. double quote night double quote colon 70.79 comma. Line 43, indented 3 times. double quote eve double quote colon 81.99 comma. Line 44, indented 3 times. double quote morn double quote colon 66.72. Line 45, indented twice. right brace comma. Line 46, indented twice. double quote pressure double quote colon 1032.46 comma. Line 47, indented twice. double quote humidity double quote colon 62 comma. Line 48, indented twice. double quote weather double quote colon left bracket left brace. Line 49, indented 3

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