Time for action – displaying raw graphics

Let's make DroidBlaster more interactive with some graphics and game components.

  1. Edit jni/Types.hpp and create a new structure Location to hold entity positions. Also, define a macro to generate a random value in the requested range as follows:
    #ifndef _PACKT_TYPES_HPP_
    #define _PACKT_TYPES_HPP_
    struct Location {
        Location(): x(0.0f), y(0.0f) {};
        float x; float y;
    #define RAND(pMax) (float(pMax) * float(rand()) / float(RAND_MAX))
  2. Create a new file, jni/GraphicsManager.hpp. Define a structure GraphicsElement, which contains the location and dimensions of the graphical element to display:
    #ifndef _PACKT_GRAPHICSMANAGER_HPP_ #define _PACKT_GRAPHICSMANAGER_HPP_ #include "Types.hpp" #include <android_native_app_glue.h> ...

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