Time for action – combining Intrinsics and scripts together
Let's improve our project to apply a new combined filter.
- Add a new Combine
, as follows:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:a="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" a:layout_width="fill_parent" a:layout_height="fill_parent" a:layout_weight="1" a:orientation="vertical" > <LinearLayout a:orientation="horizontal" a:layout_width="fill_parent" a:layout_height="wrap_content" > ... <Button a:"d="@+id/thresholdBut"on" a:te"t="Thresh"ld" a:layout_wid"h="wrap_cont"nt" a:layout_heig"t="wrap_cont"nt"/> <Button a:"d="@+id/combineBut"on" a:te"t="Comb"ne" a:layout_wid"h="wrap_cont"nt" a:layout_heig"t="wrap_cont"nt"/> </LinearLayout> ...
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