The capturing images mini app

Create a new project and call it Simple Photo. You can leave all the settings at their defaults as usual.

To handle Marshmallow runtime permissions, as discussed in Chapter 11, Widget Mania in the Android permissions and Marshmallows section, we need to set the target API to 22.

To do this, select Android from the drop-down list at the top of the project explorer. Now, double-click on the build.gradle (module: app) option from the bottom of the project explorer window.

Change the highlighted line of code so that targetSdkVersion is set to 22, as shown in the following code:

defaultConfig {
  applicationId "com.gamecodeschool.simplephoto"
  minSdkVersion 15
  targetSdkVersion 22
  versionCode 1
  versionName "1.0"

Now, we need ...

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