Chapter 16
Marsha’s MUST-DO Things for Your Phone
Adjusting usability settings
Connecting to your home Wi-Fi
Keeping safe on public Wi-Fi
Managing your power and cables
Configuring Emergency mode and SOS
Decluttering the Home screen
Acquiring a new phone and all its accoutrements is an exciting experience. You have your new technological wonder and can enjoy looking at it and making it your own.
In this chapter, I share a few items you might like to replicate on your phone, whether it’s brand-new and needs tweaking or it’s your trusty old Android that you’re sprucing up.
If you have an older phone, you may not have noticed new features and icons that popped up during updates or app installations. I’ve fallen into that category, so in this chapter I outline some methods for keeping the Home screen clean and sharp-looking, too.
Here’s to making your phone your very own, ...
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